Продукция компании ООО "Лазер медцентр"
Fdt apparatus "Harmony" in gynecology 2 colors!
star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) Afs Harmony
Очки Амво (Сидоренко)
₽14,000.00star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) Очки Амво вакуумные.
Браслет "Спектр" Афс
₽4,500.00star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) Аппарат «СПЕКТР» предназначен для надвенного облучения крови (АНАЛОГ ЛАЗЕРНОГО ОБЛУЧЕНИЯ КРОВИ)
Время проведения процедуры
Детям до 13 лет - время облучения 15 минут!
Взрослым и остальным 30 минут в день!
Батарейки (АА-2 шт) менять после 10 процедур!
Rainbow Of Insight Glasses
star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) "Rainbow of insight" (Pankov glasses) is a compact device designed for quantum vision restoration, iridoreflexotherapy, as well as timely prevention of diseases of the eyes and internal organs. This device is a unique development of Professor O. p. Pankov, which has proven its high efficiency and is successfully used today by ophthalmological clinics, General hospitals and outpatient clinics. The device is easy to use, so it has gained wide popularity among the population as an excellent opportunity for rapid rehabilitation and prevention of diseases of the visual organ.
Аппарат Фдт косметология!
star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) Аппарат длф проведения фотодинамической терапии в косметологии!
Очки Амво (Сидоренко) с излучателями!
₽16,000.00star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s) Sidorenko glasses (amvo-01 Device) is a unique device that has no analogues and is intended for the complex treatment of a number of ophthalmological diseases. The method of treatment with its use is patented in Russia and abroad. The amvo-01 device was developed on the basis of long-term practice and is based on research of functional methods of treatment of eye diseases.
Аппарат фотодинамической терапии "Латус-Т" Фара
₽0.00star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border0 Review(s)