Очки Амво (Сидоренко) с излучателями!
Sidorenko glasses (amvo-01 Device) is a unique device that has no analogues and is intended for the complex treatment of a number of ophthalmological diseases. The method of treatment with its use is patented in Russia and abroad. The amvo-01 device was developed on the basis of long-term practice and is based on research of functional methods of treatment of eye diseases.

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Massage device-SIDORENKO vacuum glasses (amvo-01)
Developed by Professor Sidorenko E. I.-head of the Department of Pediatric ophthalmology of the Russian state medical University. Pirogov, chief children's ophthalmologist in Moscow.
Sidorenko glasses (amvo-01 Device) is a unique device that has no analogues and is intended for the complex treatment of a number of ophthalmological diseases. The method of treatment with its use is patented in Russia and abroad. The amvo-01 device was developed on the basis of long-term practice and is based on research of functional methods of treatment of eye diseases.
Sidorenko, Evgeny Ivanovich is the President of the Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Department of ophthalmology, faculty of Pediatrics, Russian state medical University, corresponding member of RAMS, academician LAN, Honored scientist of Russia, Honored doctor of Russia, Professor, doctor of medical Sciences. Under his leadership, the development, testing and implementation of therapeutic methods based on the use of the author's apparatus was carried out.
Effective in the complex treatment of children and adults:
Myopia (myopia)
Glaucoma (high eye pressure)
Hyperopia (including age-related)
Amblyopia ("Lazy eye")
Strabismus of various forms, including
in children and a number of other ophthalmic diseases.
The device provides a whole range of therapeutic methods:
Infrasound phonophoresis
Pneumomassage (vacuum massage)
Color pulse therapy
Color pulsation causes a reflex reaction, which is expressed in the constriction and expansion of the pupils. Pneumomassage and the action of infrasound stimulate blood circulation, enhance accommodation. The result is relaxation of muscles, elimination of spasm and improve the outflow of intraocular fluid. Activation of the processes of eye nutrition and circulation of liquid media inhibit the development of glaucoma and cataracts, which are based on stagnant phenomena.
Scheme of using Sidorenko Glasses for initial cataracts
The goal of treatment in the initial stages of cataracts is to prevent or slow down its further development. Techniques that promote accommodation training and stimulate metabolic processes in the eye are highly effective. Sidorenko's glasses provide the necessary impact to activate these processes. The effectiveness of this treatment for age-related hyperopia (presbyopia) has also been confirmed.
The doctor may decide to use medications that further increase the effectiveness of this treatment. These can be drops of "Quinax", "Taufon", "Oftan-Katahrom" and others.
Vacuum massage can also be supported by medications (vitamins and dietary supplements). The effect of glasses significantly improves the absorption of these nutrients, and they, in turn, enhance the effect of massage.
The effect of treatment with Sidorenko glasses is stable for 4-6 months. In this regard, it is recommended to take repeated courses 2-3 times a year. Regular treatment in the future provides a more stable result and complete stabilization of the clinical picture.
The use of Sidorenko Glasses for glaucoma
Physiotherapy with Sidorenko glasses is indicated for glaucoma (including at the stage of optic nerve atrophy).
Color therapy and vacuum pneumatic action provide activation of processes that reduce intraocular pressure and enhance nutrition of the optic disc:
the synthesis of nucleic acids is enhanced;
blood circulation is accelerated;
relieves edema;
the outflow of intraocular fluid is facilitated;
the eye tissues are saturated with oxygen;
increases the hemo-and hydrodynamics of the eye.
If the therapy is carried out with the support of medications, they are better absorbed and give a greater effect.
The procedure of pneumatic massage for glaucoma lasts from 3 to 10 minutes. At the same time, a pressure of 0.01 ATM with a frequency of 2-4 Hz is applied to the eye. The color therapy session lasts from 3 to 7 minutes. The duration of the treatment course using Sidorenko glasses is 10 days. In this case, treatment can be prescribed on a daily schedule or in the "every other day" mode.
The effectiveness of Sidorenko's glasses for glaucoma is felt after the first year. Visual functions are restored by 40-60%. The field of view increases by 20 degrees or more. Patients report reduction or complete disappearance of the cattle. Subjectively, there is an increase in visual acuity, less eye fatigue. Instrumental studies confirm a significant reduction in intraocular pressure, which ensures functional durability and safety of the optic nerve. Several courses of therapy using Sidorenko glasses stabilize and consolidate the results obtained. Repeated treatment is recommended after 3-4 months, without waiting for a gradual weakening of the effect of the previous course (the result of which lasts up to six months).
Medical procedures may have contraindications, so the appointment of the course is made only by a doctor after a thorough examination and taking into account all factors and the patient's history.
Amvo-01-Sidorenko Vacuum glasses
Contraindications to use
In medicine, all treatment methods have their own indications and contraindications, because the main principle - "do no harm" remains unshakeable.Below are the diseases and conditions in which the use of vacuum glasses and color therapy is not recommended.
Oncological diseases - both eyes and surrounding tissues, and other organs
Mental disorders, severe diseases of the Central nervous system
Detachment and threatening tears of the retina of the eye
Hemorrhage in the eye (hemophthalmos) and its membranes (including retinal and conjunctival hemorrhages).
Acute period of inflammatory diseases of the eye and its appendage (under the supervision of a doctor)
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